Build Your Custom Dating Application

Give Your Customers An Engaging & Powerful Tech Solution To Find Their Love Interest

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Why Entrepreneurs Love To
Invest In Dating Apps?

Creating a dating app like Tinder, Bumble, etc.
is turning out to be a lucrative offer for business owners

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    Growing Users Interest

    Number of users in the online dating segment will be more than 279 Million by 2024.

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    Rising Growth Rate

    Revenue in the online dating segment is expected to reach US$2,530 Million by 2024.

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    Promising User Spend

    The average online dating service user spends $243 annually, on an average.

Types Of Customized
Dating Apps We Offer

We help you launch a tailor-made dating app that
resonates with your audiences’ interests & purpose

Do You Have A Unique Idea To Bring Strangers Together & Fall In Love?

We Can Bring It To Life & Make Your
Online Dating App Successful

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Pair Your Dating App Idea With
A Complete Tech Solution

We have got you the finest online dating app development services to
build your customizable tech suite.

Apps Idea Apps Idea

Features To Empower Your Dating App Idea

With Code Brew's, dating app development services, get high-end features to run online dating platforms and
offer engaging user experience.

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    Social Media Login

    Users can sign-up with their email, mobile number or login in via their social media accounts

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    Profile Creation

    Allow users to create and customize their profile with personal information, interests & more

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    Voice & Video Chat

    Facilitate the matched users communicate with each other through in-app voice or video call

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    Upload/View Pictures

    Give your users flexibility to upload their pictures with ease and view photos of other profiles

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    Past Dating Experience

    Help users make better decisions showcasing their partners’ interests, expectations, experience, etc.

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    Face Detection

    Prevent users from fraudulent profiles with a smart feature to lets the view the real face of their partner

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    Undo Action

    Enable your users to undo activities like accepting/rejecting a profile, sending a message, etc.

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    Instant Messaging

    Let your users send and receive messages to each other instantly & directly via the online dating app

Get A Feature-Loaded Dating App That Climbs Leaderboard Of App Stores With Maximum User Engagement

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Powerful Admin Panel To Manage
Your Online Dating Platform

Get a highly robust admin dashboard to control & manage your online dating business.


Benefit from access to the top-level view of app usage, active profiles & more from a single panel.


Admin has complete access over the database of registered users, profiles and their activities.


Keep a control on your app, give verified badges to the approved profiles & block the ones with spam.


Get data-driven insights for matches, engagements, downloads, etc. to take better business decisions.

Launch, Run & Grow Your Tailor-Made Dating Platform
Loaded With A Host Of Dating-Friendly Features

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Now Monetize Your Dating Platform &
Boost Your ROI Seamlessly

While you help people find their match, we help you find ways to grow your
revenue through our dating app development services.


icon Paid Subscriptions Let your users choose among monthly, quarterly or yearly subscription models, as per the locked features they require.

icon Advertisement Make more money with ad campaigns showcased in a manner which doesn’t interrupt your users experience at all.

icon In-app purchases You can include some special features such as custom emojis, smileys, sending GIFs, etc. for which users need to pay.

icon Third-party services With some third-party service integrations let users book a table in restaurants, movie tickets, book a ride & more.

Why Choose Code Brew For
Your Dating App Idea?

Code Brew's dating app development services will help you create next-level dating
application that let your users find, meet, and date their love interest.

We Love Our Clients Like You Love Yours

Serving clientele all over the globe, we are the right choice for creating a dating app.

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18th July 2022 By: Gaurav Kumar

Create Your Own Dating App Like Tinder, Bumble, Hinge

Watch Now
12th September 2022 By: Aanchal Garg

How Much Does it Cost to Launch a Dating App?

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